

人体工程学-使你的工作环境安全的科学, 舒适的 and efficient — is not always the rule in off-site environments. 如果你的在家工作让你的脖子或背部疼痛, here are some tips to help you stay productive and pain free while you work from home.


Working from home has benefits: There’s no commute and a relaxed dress code. You can pet the dog and keep your workspace as warm or cool as you choose.

但也有缺点, too: Doing your work slouched on the sofa instead of sitting at a desk in an ergonomic chair can leave you with back and neck pain. There could be multiple factors making your home workstation less than ideal for your health, such as:

  • 椅子的牢固性和类型以及腰部支撑的存在
  • 椅子相对于桌子的高度
  • 电脑和显示器在桌子上的位置
  • 你多久休息一次

These and other factors can lead to back and neck pain as you work from home.



即使有符合人体工程学的办公室安排, working in one position without breaks is a major cause of back and neck pain. This is especially a problem among those who are no longer in the cubicle.

试着每30分钟起床一次, even if it’s just to stretch and get out of that head-forward position many people are working in as they’ve been working on documents and sitting through Zoom meetings.

即使它打断了你的思路, a trip to the kitchen for a coffee or water refill or a quick walk around the yard can help. 保持活跃会产生巨大的影响.


Therapists often advise patients to change positions every 30 minutes to one hour when they’re working, but since this can be difficult in work environments where people tend to not want to break from their level of engagement in a particular task, 站立式办公桌是一个理想的折衷方案.


Consider your specific needs, including your space and budget, which are both important. 如果你不喜欢站立式办公桌的话, you can consider a standing desk converter that’s semipermanent and can work with your existing workspace.


  • 易于安装. 阅读客户评论,因为看起来简单的事情并不总是如此.
  • Height. 你需要多“高”? 高度调整并不是普遍适用的, so check the range of any standing desk accessory to make sure it works with your needs.
  • 电气与. manual. 手动调整类型对你的预算来说可能更容易.
  • 适应性和附件. 想想额外的东西,比如轮子, 额外的架子或左/右方向对你很重要.


If you use a standing desk for part of your workday, here are a few pointers.

A standing desk arrangement should follow all the other ergonomic principles, 比如保持手臂弯曲成90度角. And you should still try to change your position every 30 minutes to one hour.

As you are standing at the desk, shifting your weight from one foot to another is OK. However, the caveat is to engage our muscles when doing so — particularly the glutes. Too often we rely on passive tissues to support us throughout the day versus engaging our muscles to keep us upright against gravity.


A bed, 扶手椅或沙发是放松的好地方, 但可能不适合在电脑前呆上几个小时. Setting up a workspace with a table or desk can put you in a better position for your workday. 对于你在屏幕前的时间, investing in a good chair can support your posture and help you avoid a cranky back.

You want adjustable arm rests that move forward and back, not just up and down. 当你坐在椅子上时, 你的肘部要成90度角,这样你就够不着了.

腰背部的支撑很重要. 椅子应该有一个调整,以适应下背部, 它的高度应该能让你的脚搁在地板上. If your legs are not reaching the floor, putting something under your feet can help.


Vision. 一些背部和颈部的疲劳可能会从你的视力开始.

An eye exam might be one of the visits you’ve canceled or postponed because of the COVID pandemic. But working at home with laptops and smaller screens causes squinting and straining, 给脖子和背部施加压力,你可以看到. 放大屏幕上的文字可能是简单的第一步.

核心肌肉 支撑你的背部和颈部. A physical therapist can help you reengage muscles that are shut off when you’re in one position for an extended time. Working on deep abdominal and glute muscles can help support your spine and prevent strain.

Feet. 对于那些在站立式办公桌前工作的人, 舒适的, 有支撑力的鞋子必不可少, 因为站立和行走的压力会影响你的整个脊柱.

Head. 一个在家更舒适的工作日从晚上好好休息开始. 如果你的枕头太高或太低, 它会在你睡觉的时候给你的脖子带来压力, resulting in stiffness in your neck and shoulders and setting the stage for a painful day of working at home. Slowly shrugging your shoulders or applying heat can ease occasional discomfort, 但如果你总是醒来时感到疼痛,你可能需要一个新的枕头.

Although pillows have become very specialized (with price tags to match), any pillow that helps you sleep soundly and awaken well rested and pain-free is the right one for you.


我们如何看待我们正在经历的痛苦很重要吗. 当我们感到压力时, our ability to deal with our aches and pains goes down; even trivial problems can become very difficult to deal with. We tend to dwell on the negativity around our physical discomfort and focus on things we can’t do rather than all the amazing things we can.

如果你正在应对压力,练习正念可能会有所帮助. 闭上眼睛,想一个放松的地方, 比如你最喜欢的海滩, 可能有助于减轻对疼痛的担忧.

Pursed-lip breathing is another technique to help you feel calmer and more centered. 用鼻子慢慢吸气, and then exhale gently through your mouth as if you’re blowing out a candle. A few repetitions can deescalate the thoughts about pain and even lessen its impact.

背部疼痛的原因和治疗网络研讨会| Stephanie Van, m.s.D.

对许多成年人来说,慢性背痛是一种持续的不适感. 在本次网络研讨会中,我们的专家Stephanie Van, m.s.D.,讨论了背部疼痛的常见原因以及缓解背痛的策略.


At least a quarter of American adults have neck or back issues at some point in their lives. 在大多数情况下,疼痛会在30天内自行消失.

It makes sense to check in regularly with a physical therapist just as you would with your primary care doctor — particularly if you’re experiencing neck and back pain and are concerned about how your home work environment is affecting that. 马里兰州是一个直接进入的州, so the vast majority of insurance providers do not require a physician’s referral.

物理治疗诊所可以帮助你安排面谈, 有些还提供远程医疗咨询.

